Page 6 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029







Page 6 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
P. 6


                             OUR STRATEGY

                             This document sets out a fi ve-year             Increased income from a diverse           Recent years have seen substantial growth
                             strategic vision for research and innovation    funder base, government                   and improvement in the RVC’s research
                             at the RVC, spanning 2024-2029.  It is          sponsored innovation initiatives, and     and innovation estate, with >£10m of
                             intended to complement and expand upon          commercialisation of our own research     capital investment between 2018
                             the RVC’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, which    In developing this strategy we have drawn    and 2023 in new laboratories and
                             outlines four goals under the theme of       on our conviction that great science and     facilities, supported by grants from the
                             “Discover/Innovate/Change”:                  innovation arises when researchers work      Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership,
                               Recognition of the RVC as a               in – and can co-develop – an enriching       UKRI and the Wolfson Foundation.
                                One Health centre of excellence,          environment that enables their creativity    The new hospital planned at our
                                addressing global challenges to           and industry to thrive.                      Hawkshead campus will strengthen further
                                                                                                                       our excellence in both clinical service and
                                population and ecosystem health.          The environment within which our
                                                                                                                       clinical research, through growth in the
                               Strengthening the RVC’s identity as       researchers undertake their work
                                                                                                                       volume and diversity of clinical caseloads.
                                a partner of choice for commercial        comprises three components:
                                                                                                                       This strategy seeks to maximise the
                                ventures and clinical trials                The RVC’s academic and intellectual
                               Production of a diverse cadre of             community and culture                     synergy between our clinical care,
                                graduates, postgraduates and early          The RVC’s physical infrastructure and     scientifi c and pedagogical research, and
                                career researchers able to work within       facilities                                world-leading education.
                                industry, government and academia,          The administrative and organisational
                                and equipped to address modern               ecosystem that supports RVC’s
                                veterinary and biomedical challenges         research and innovation activities

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