Page 9 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029







Page 9 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
P. 9


                        ENABLE A POSITIVE RESEARCH

                        CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT

                        The RVC’s research culture is defi ned by the   Together with our researchers, we aim to       Ensure our academic recognition
                        values, expectations and behaviours           comprehensively refl ect on our research          structures value the fullest range of
                        experienced by our research community.        culture and seek areas for improvement and       research contributions, and support the
                        It infl uences not only what research is done,   renewal.  We will consolidate and harmonise    growing diversity of research-related
                        but also how, and by whom.  A positive        our current activities and fi nd new ways to      career paths, including those that have
                        culture enables research to be undertaken     make them                                        involved time spent outside the higher
                        with integrity, fairness, compassion, and                                                      education sector
                                                                      To achieve these aims we will:
                        respect.  It enhances both the quality of our
                                                                       Undertake an RVC-wide “research culture       Improve the integration of RVC’s equality
                        science and the fulfi lment and success of
                                                                         health check” that will include review of     and diversity initiatives, such as our EDI
                        our scientists.  The RVC’s research
                                                                         processes and policies, and ask research      strategy and Athena Swan action plan,
                        environment is supported by a range of
                                                                         and support staff what they are seeing,       with our research activities and decision
                        activities and engagements, including the
                                                                         hearing and feeling                           making
                        Concordats on Research Integrity, Openness
                        in AnimalResearch, and Development of          Use the new RVC Research Institute to
                                                                         (i) enhance visibility and representation
                        Researchers, the UK Reproducibility
                                                                         in research, (ii) promote our research
                        Network, and the NC3Rs.
                                                                         integrity activities, and (iii) keep the
                                                                         community informed of current and future
                                                                         key research trends, including open
                                                                         science and replacement technologies

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