Page 8 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029







Page 8 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
P. 8


                             SUSTAIN RESEARCH EXCELLENCE

                             The research we conduct at the RVC is        We will found the RVC Research Institute,     Appoint a new generation of research
                             recognised nationally and internationally    a keystone initiative of our strategic plan,   fellows and make RVC a preferred home
                             as excellent and world leading.  By          to unite under a single forum the activities   for researchers funded by competitive
                             undertaking studies that are original,       and interests of everyone involved in          external fellowships
                             relevant, rigorous, timely, and well         research at RVC.                              Increase the independence of the
                             planned, we strive to increase the           To achieve these aims we will:                 Graduate School and empower
                             likelihood our research is infl uential                                                      it to enhance the experience of
                                                                           Establish the RVC Research Institute
                             within its fi eld and impactful beyond it.                                                   postgraduate researchers and grow
                                                                            and ensure its structure refl ects our
                             We believe great research emerges not                                                       funding for postgraduate research
                                                                            major research themes, supports
                             only from individual research teams but                                                     degrees
                                                                            all areas of research strength, and
                             also from the skills and strengths of the
                                                                            provides a space for new fi elds of study    Support early-stage research through
                             whole RVC community, encompassing
                                                                            to be nurtured                               expansion of the RVC Launchpad grant
                             collaborators, clinical and teaching
                                                                           Use the RVC Research Institute to            scheme
                             colleagues, technicians, and
                                                                            deliver instruction in research skills
                             research-enabling support staff.
                                                                            and leadership, create a peer-to-peer
                             We aim to invest in people and projects        support community, and promote RVC
                             so that the RVC can sustain and evolve         research excellence internally and
                             its programme of world leading research        externally
                             across the veterinary and biological

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