
Assessment & Award Regulations for 2024/25 (PDF) will be available prior to the start the academic year for each course and may not appear here yet.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (these now form part of the Programme Specifications for modular courses) 
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Surgery

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

BVSc Year 1:

Basic assessment information for each module:

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin systems 
  •  - Principles of Science
  •  - Animal Husbandry
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems 
  •  - Neurology, ophthalmology and special senses

BVSc Year 2: 

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine 
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin Systems 
  •  - Principles of Science 
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems
  •  - Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health

Actual detail of the assessments will be held in Aberystwyth University's Virtual Learning Environment and only visible to registered students.

Progression Rules for BVSc Year 1 and 2  ()

Veterinary Nursing

FdSc & BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Certificate & Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing 

Masters Courses 

MSc Module Regulations

Part 1: Assessment Regulations

Part 2: Award maps now form part of the Programme Specifications

Part 3: MSc Module Assessment Weightings

MSc Grade Conversions for Joint Courses and Other Designations


PGDip in Veterinary Clinical Practice

Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP)


University of London Worldwide - Livestock Health and Production & Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2023/24

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (these now form part of the Programme Specifications for modular courses) 
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Surgery

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

BVSc Year 1:

Basic assessment information for each module:

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin systems 
  •  - Principles of Science
  •  - Animal Husbandry
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems 
  •  - Neurology, ophthalmology and special senses

BVSc Year 2: 

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine 
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin Systems 
  •  - Principles of Science 
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems
  •  - Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health

Actual detail of the assessments will be held in Aberystwyth University's Virtual Learning Environment and only visible to registered students.

Progression Rules for BVSc Year 1 and 2  ()

Veterinary Nursing

FdSc & BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Certificate & Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing 

Masters Courses 

MSc Module Regulations

Part 1: Assessment Regulations

Part 2: Award maps now form part of the Programme Specifications

Part 3: MSc Module Assessment Weightings

MSc Grade Conversions for Joint Courses and Other Designations


PGDip in Veterinary Clinical Practice



University of London Worldwide - Livestock Health and Production & Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2022/23 

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1-4 (Level 4 -7) Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Nursing

FdSc & BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Certificate & Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing 

Veterinary Surgery

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

BVSc Year 1:

Basic assessment information for each module:

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin systems 
  •  - Principles of Science
  •  - Animal Husbandry
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems 
  •  - Neurology, ophthalmology and special senses

BVSc Year 2: 

  •  - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine 
  •  - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin Systems 
  •  - Principles of Science 
  •  - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems
  •  - Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health

Actual detail of the assessments will be held in Aberystwyth University's Virtual Learning Environment and only visible to registered students.

Progression Rules for BVSc Year 1 and 2  ()

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

Part 1: Assessment Regulations

Part 2 Award Maps: 

Part 3: MSc Module Assessment Weightings

Assessment & Award Regulations 2021/22

General Regulations for Study and Awards  (replaced the General Regulations for Internal Students of the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø)

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2021/22 (PDF) will be available prior to the start the academic year and are Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

Part 1: BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1-4 (Level 4 -7) Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

Part 2: BSc Biological Sciences Animal Biology, Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics
Part 2: BSc/MSci Applied Biological Research
Part 2: BSc/MSci Applied Bioveterinary Research
Part 2: BSc/MSci Biological Sciences
Part 2: BSc/MSci Bioveterinary Sciences
Part 2: MSci Wild Animal Biology

Part 2 BSc/MSci Biological Sciences (Wildlife Health Sciences)
Part 2: BSc Comparative Pathology
Part 2: Intercalated BSc Bioveterinary Sciences

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Part 3: BSc/MSci Year 1
Part 3: BSc/MSci Year 2
Part 3: BSc/MSci Year 3
Part 3: MSci Year 4

BSc/BVetMed Placement Year - Certificate in Work-Based Learning and Research (CWBLR)

Veterinary Nursing

FdSc & BSc in Veterinary Nursing

BSc/FdSc VN Year 1 
BSc/FdSc VN Year 2
FdSc VN Year 3
BSc VN Year 3
BSc VN Year 4

Graduate Certificate & Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing - applicable to intake commencing in April 2022

Grad Cert & PG Cert AVN - Part 1 Assessment Regulations
Grad Cert AVN - Part 2 Award Map
PG Cert AVN - Part 2 Award Map
Grad Cert & PG Cert AVN - Part 3 Assessment Weightings

Veterinary Surgery

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)

BVetMed Gateway - Part 1 Assessment Regulations
BVetMed Gateway - Part 2 Award Map
BVetMed Gateway - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings
BVetMed Graduate Entry
BVetMed Year 1
BVetMed Year 2
BVetMed Year 3
BVetMed Year 4
BVetMed Year 5 Part 1 Rotation Feb 2021 Intake
BVetMed Year 5 Part 1 Rotation February 2022 Intake

BVetMed Year 5 Part 2

BVetMed Year 5 Part 3
BVetMed Honours Points
BSc (Hons) Animal Health and Disease

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc)

BVSc Year 1:

Progression Rules for BVSc Year 1 and 2 Sept 2021 (item 4.22 )

Basic assessment information for each module:

 - Professional Studies & Evidence Based Medicine

 - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Locomotor and Skin systems (year 1)

 - Principles of Science

 - Animal Husbandry

 - Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems (year 1)

 - Neurology, ophthalmology and special senses

Actual detail of the assessments will be held in Aberystwyth University's Virtual Learning Environment and only visible to registered students.

BVSc Year 2: tbc

BVSc Year 3: tbc

BVSc Year 4: tbc

BVSc Year 5: tbc

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research - applicable to intake commencing in January 2022
Grad Dip ELR - Part 1 Assessment Regulations 
Grad Dip ELR - Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)
Grad Dip ELR - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

MSc - Part 1 Assessment Regulations
MSc - Part 2 Award Maps:
Part 2: One Health
Part 2: Vet Ed
Part 2: Vet Epi
Part 2: WAB
Part 2: WAH
MSc - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings

MSc Grade Conversions for Joint Courses and Other Designations
MVetMed - Students commencing in July 2019 onwards
PGCert in Veterinary Clinical Studies
PGDip in Veterinary Clinical Practice
Prof Doc in Veterinary Practice (VetD)
University of London Worldwide - Livestock Health and Production & Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health 2022

Assessment & Award Regulations 2020/21

  General Regulations for Study and Awards  (replaced the General Regulations for Internal Students of the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø) 

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2020/21 (PDF) will be available prior to the start the academic year and are Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1-4 (Level 4 -7) Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Nursing

FdSc & BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Certificate & Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing - applicable to intake commencing in 2021

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research - no intake in January 2021

  • Grad Dip ELR - Part 1 Assessment Regulations
  • Grad Dip ELR - Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)
  • Grad Dip ELR - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

Assessment & Award Regulations 2019/20

General Regulations for Study and Awards (replaced the General Regulations for Internal Students of the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø) 

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2019/20 (PDF) will be available prior to the start the Autumn Term and are  Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 - (Level 4 - 7) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1-4 (Level 4 -7) Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 4 (Level 4 - 7) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

University of London International Programmes - Livestock Health and Production and Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health 2019

University of London International Programmes - Livestock Health and Production and Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health 2020

Assessment & Award Regulations 2018/19

General Regulations for Study and Awards  (replaced the General Regulations for Internal Students of the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø) 

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2018/19 (PDF) will be available prior to the start the Autumn Term and are  Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

Biological Sciences BSc/MSci (and Intercalated) & BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 3 - (Level 4 - 6) Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1-4 (Level 4 -7) Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 - 3 (Level 4 - 6) - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 4 (Level 7) - Part 1 & Part 3 (all pathways)

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

University of London International Programmes - Livestock Health and Production and Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health 

Assessment & Award Regulations 2017/18

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2017/18 (.pdf) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

BSc/MSci Bioveterinary Sciences (and Intercalated), BSc Comparative Pathology

BSc/MSci Year 1 & 2 - Part 1 Assessment Regulations (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 & 2 - Part 2 Award Maps (all pathways)

BSc/MSci Year 1 & 2 - Part 3 Module Assessment Weightings (all pathways)

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

MSc Module Regulations

Assessment & Award Regulations 2016/17

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2016/17 (.pdf) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The Assessment & Award Regulations (AARs) for some modular courses are split into 3 different documents (Parts).

  • Part 1 = Assessment Regulations (how you pass the year / progress to the next stage)
  • Part 2 = Award Maps (the description of the pathways through the course)
  • Part 3 = Module Assessment Weightings (breakdown of the module assessments and how they are weighted)

BSc/MSci Bioveterinary Sciences (and Intercalated), BSc Comparative Pathology

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research

Graduate Diploma in Equine Locomotor Research

Masters Courses

All PGCert, PGDip and MSc course follow the MSc Module regulations (Part 1) unless mentioned below.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2015/16

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2015/16 (.pdf) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

BSc in Bioveterinary Sciences (and Intercalated), BSc Comparative Pathology

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

Assessment & Award Regulations 2014/15

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2014/15 (.pdf) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

BSc in Bioveterinary Sciences (and Intercalated), BSc Comparative Pathology

Veterinary Nursing

Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing

BSc in Veterinary Nursing

Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Masters Courses

Assessment & Award Regulations 2013/14

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2013/14 (Microsoft Word documents, except where noted) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2012/13

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2012/13 (Microsoft Word.docs) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2011/12

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2011/12 (Microsoft Word.docs) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2010/11

Assessment & Award Regulations for 2010/11 (Microsoft Word.docs) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The College 0-10 marking scheme may only be used from September 2009 where this is clearly stated in the Assessment and Award Regulations for the Examination in question, and where the students have already been informed that the 0 – 10 marking scheme would be used for their examination.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2009/10

Assessment & award regulations for 2009/10 (Microsoft Word.docs) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board.

The College 0-10 marking scheme may only be used from September 2009 where this is clearly stated in the Assessment and Award Regulations for the Examination in question, and where the students have already been informed that the 0 – 10 marking scheme would be used for their examination.

Assessment & Award Regulations 2008/09

Assessment & award regulations for 2008/09 (Microsoft Word.docs) all Subject to Approval by Academic Board..


BSc Courses

Veterinary Nursing Courses - remainder to follow

MSc Courses

Postgraduate Diploma Courses

Postgraduate Certificate Courses

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